
Lipid Digestion and Modification with Natural Hydrolase Enzymes

Natural hydrolase enzymes are crucial in various biochemical processes, including digestion. Neova Technologies Inc., a leading player in the global market for porcine-derived enzymes, has been active in the hydrolase enzyme market for over twenty-five years. Their comprehensive product range includes phospholipase A2 (PLA2), catering to various sectors such as food, technical applications, nutraceuticals, and pharmaceuticals.

Key Enzyme: Phospholipase A2 (PLA2)

Phospholipase A2 (PLA2) is an essential hydrolase enzyme with specific cleaving characteristics, vital for lipid digestion and modification.

Phospholipase A2 (PLA2):

  • Function: PLA2 is a hydrolase enzyme that cleaves the fatty acid at the second position in phospholipids, playing a crucial role in lipid metabolism and signal transduction.
  • Extraction and Preparation: PLA2 is typically extracted from the pancreas of pigs, purified, crystallized, and made into a freeze-dried product. This preparation ensures high activity and stability for various industrial applications.
  • Properties: PLA2 is highly specific for its substrate and phospholipids and operates efficiently under physiological conditions. The enzyme is soluble in water but requires particular conditions for optimal activity, which are maintained during industrial processes.

Phospholipase A2 finds extensive use across various industries, including food processing, pharmaceuticals, biochemical testing, and technical applications. In the pharmaceutical sector, PLA2 is used to modify lipids, facilitating drug delivery and enhancing the effectiveness of certain medications. PA2-based biopharmaceuticals are employed in developing treatments for inflammatory conditions, as well as in liposomal formulations for targeted drug delivery.

In the food industry, PLA2 is primarily used to hydrolyze phospholipids, improving the texture and stability of processed foods. For instance, in dairy processing, PLA2 enhances the creaminess and shelf-life of products by modifying the lipid content. In the technical sector, PA2 prepares specialized emulsions and biocompatible materials.


Applications of Phospholipase A2:

Neova Technologies Inc. offers enzyme preparations tailored to meet diverse functional requirements determined in consultation with customers. These enzymes are used in various applications, including:

Food Processing:

  • Hydrolyzing phospholipids to improve texture and stability
  • Enhancing creaminess in dairy products
  • Producing specialized emulsions

Biotechnological and Pharmaceutical Applications:

  • Developing liposomal drug delivery systems
  • Modifying lipids for enhanced drug effectiveness
  • Creating biocompatible materials


Available products:


PHOSPHOLIPASE A2 (PA2) is an enzyme derived from porcine pancreas. It serves as a catalyst in the hydrolysis of the fatty acid in the second position of phospholipids/lecithin.