Natural Sources

High end, naturally sourced, solvent-free proteins

At Bioseutica® Group, we draw on forty years of expertise in bioseparation and protein fractionation to extract nature’s best from eggs and pancreas. Our international reputation is built on the reliability of our quality and service.

Our Natural Proteins Division is the leading global producer of egg-derived proteins, with a product portfolio valued across food, feed, and pharmaceutical industries. The Division’s manufacturing, research and development, laboratory facilities, and sales and administrative offices are across Europe (Fordras SA) and Canada (Neova Technologies Inc.). Five of our nine production facilities operate under GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) guidelines to produce industrial quantities of natural ingredients from eggs and pancreas. We have put in place standardized systems of Quality Control and Assurance (QC & and QA), produce the best manufacturing practices, and adhere to appropriate regulatory controls and certifications, ensuring that our customers are provided with the regulatory compliance, safety, and quality that they can rely upon. Our comprehensive range of certifications attests to our commitment to the highest quality standards.

Eggs: Natural Proteins and Enzymes

The egg is naturally endowed with proteins and enzymes with properties that are valued across broad industrial applications. The egg-white in particular is the source of industrially exploitable proteins and enzymes including Lysozyme, Ovotransferrin, Avidin, Ovalbumin, and Ovomucoid. As the leading producer of Lysozyme globally, we have also developed pioneering applications in food safety, animal nutrition, and pharmaceuticals. We are proud to offer specially tailored Lysozyme formulations for cheese, wine, and beer making, alongside our livestock immunity-boosting Entegard® range, and active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) Lysozyme.

Our original Lysozyme production methods were developed in the late 50s by our founder, Dr Rodolfo Ferrari, and his team of researchers at SPA (Società Prodotti Antibiotici; Milan, Italy). Several international patents were granted for these technologies between 1966 and 1967, so our extraction processes use no solvents or toxic substances. Today, these proprietary manufacturing capabilities yield purified natural proteins from hen egg white (HEW), which are used to produce APIs and food ingredients. Not only are these methods solvent-free,& but they are also non-destructive, allowing the remaining egg white to be used by other egg processors downstream of our processing.

Our hen-egg white is derived from eggs suitable for human consumption from farms and flocks monitored by veterinary authorities in their respective countries. Our European egg white is sourced in full compliance with EU directives 178/2002, 852/2004, and 853/2004 concerning the production of foodstuffs. For each batch of Lysozyme, we guarantee complete traceability back to the precise farm and laying date. This, coupled with our extensive quality control testing of raw materials at our GMP-certified plants, ensures that our products conform to the highest purity, activity, and quality levels.

Pancreas: Digestive Enzymes

The porcine pancreas is the source of our proteolytic and phospholipase enzyme portfolio. Application of these enzymes takes inspiration from their natural role in digestion, being valued across Medical, Pharmaceutical, Research, Food Processing, Infant Formula, and Dietary Supplement industries.

Trypsin and Chymotrypsin are natural pancreatic enzymes that potently digest, or cleave proteins into smaller peptides and amino acids. This functionality is utilized in producing vaccines, using protein analytical techniques, and doing biological research. The proteolytic properties of trypsin & and chymotrypsin are also valuable in food processing, being used in the hydrolysis of whey protein, tenderisation of meat, enhancement of digestibility, and the production of infant formulae.

Phospholipase A2 (PLA2, or PA2)  is a pancreatic enzyme that potently cleaves phospholipid molecules to remove the fatty acid tail from glycerol. Exploited extensively by the food industry, this lipid digesting property is used in baking, bread making, cheese making, and in the production of enzymatically modified egg yolk. Vegetable oil refining also benefits from the phospholipid-cleaving function of PLA2, as do low-fat dairy and cheese production methods.

Neova Technologies Inc. only uses government-certified porcine pancreas, authorized to be safe by the Veterinarian of the Food Safety and Inspection Service. Pancreases used are derived from animals subject to ante- and post-mortem inspections in federally inspected establishments, showing no pathological conditions. They are prepared, handled, and dispatched according to hygienic requirements.

Advantages and Benefits of Bioseutica®’s natural products:

  • Highly purified products with activities over 95%
  • Proven traceability systems
  • Reliable and consistent QA and QC systems and procedures
  • Refining plants are cGMP, HACCP or ISO certified
  • Egg-white sourced under EU Directives 178/2002, 852/2004, and 853/2004
  • Pancreas from Canadian government-certified sources
  • The only process validated capable of inactivating the avian influenza virus (Texcell-Pasteur Institute)